Vocabulary Workshop: Unit 12

Learning Definitions: Crossword Puzzle

Learning Definitions: Quiz

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Vocabulary Workshop Level E Unit 12 - Definitions - Completed: July 11, 11:59:22 AM CSTUser: SethGourley
WordDefinitionCorrect*Incorrect*Your Answer
ABJURE(v.) To renounce or reject; To avoid or shun86%14%Right!
ACRID(adj.) Sharp or harsh to the taste or smell; Extremely stinging or bitter in manner89%11%Right!
AUGUST(adj.) Inspiring awe or admiration; Majestic90%10%Wrong
CALLOUS(adj.) Emotionally hardened; Unfeeling, insensitive, unsympathetic90%10%Right!
CLANDESTINE(adj.) Done in secret; Subversive or deceptive in secrecy or in private83%17%Right!
COMPUNCTION(n.) Regret or remorse due to a wrongdoing76%24%Right!
CONFLAGRATION(n.) A large, destructive and usually extensive fire91%9%Right!
ELATED(adj.) Very proud or happy, or in high spirits90%10%Right!
INDELIBLE(adj.) Not able to be removed or erased86%14%Right!
INDULGENT(adj.) Characterized by the giving in to the wishes of someone84%16%Right!
INVETERATE(adj.) A settled, long-standing habit; Firmly established75%25%Right!
IRRELEVANT(adj.) Not relevant or applicable97%3%Right!
NOCTURNAL(adj.) Part of or happening in the night97%3%Right!
PLATITUDE(n.) A trite, common or flat remark, said as if profound80%20%Wrong
QUELL(v.) To suppress or subdue by putting an end to82%18%Right!
QUIESCENT(adj.) At rest; Still82%18%Right!
RUMINATE(v.) To ponder or meditate on; To chew the cud89%11%Right!
TACIT(adj.) Understood or implied without being expressed74%26%Right!
TANGIBLE(adj.) Perceived by touch or capable of being touched92%8%Right!
TRENCHANT(adj.) Clear-cut and defined; Cutting deeply and quickly81%19%Right!
* the percentage of students who answered this correctly or incorrectly

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You answered 65% of the questions correctly!
You answered 13 / 20 correctly on the first try.
Unit 12: Completing the Sentence - Reverse Definitions - Completed: July 12, 12:48:53 PM CSTUser: SethGourley
WordDefinitionCorrect*Incorrect*Your Answer
AbjureAbraham Lincoln's plan for reconstruction simply had the former rebels _____- allegiance to the confederacy and vow to support the union.100%0%Right!
AcridThe fumes released by the volcano were so ______ that they caused great discomfort among people in the nearby villages.100%0%Right!
CallousSome people are so completely wrapped up in their own concerns that they often seem to be ___ about the feelings of others.100%0%Right!
CompunctionTheir behavior was so rude and offensive that i had no _____ about telling them to leave to leave the house. . ous about the house100%0%Right!
ConflagrationAccording to legend, Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over an oil lamp and started the __________ that consumed four square miles of chicago.100%0%Right!
IndulgentI have no patience with an ________ parent who gives in to every whim and demand of an undisciplined child.100%0%Right!
InveterateHow can we possibly accept the testimony of someone who is known to be a ________ liar?100%0%Right!
IrrelevantYour statement may be correct, but since it has no bearing on the point now under discussion, I must reject it as _________.100%0%Right!
PlatitudesThe audience seemed to be stirred by the speaker's remarks, but in my opinion they were no more than a series of _______.100%0%Right!
QuellI tried to __________ my feeling of panic by assuring myself that there is simply no such thing as a ghost.0%100%Wrong
QuiescentAlthough the disease had been ______ for several years, the doctors warned her that its symptoms could appear again at any time.100%0%Right!
RuminateI stretched out under the old maple tree in the backyard and began to ______ on the strange events of that remarkable day.0%100%Wrong
TrenchantThe debate was decide in our favor when Carole's _______ rebuttal tore the other side's argument to piece.0%100%Wrong
augustIn the presence of such an _______ assemblage of religious leaders representing all the major faiths, I felt very humble.0%100%Wrong
clandestineThe document showed that, years before, the companies had made a ________ agreement to divide the market among them.0%100%Wrong
elatedWho wouldn't be ______ at winning a huge prize on a television quiz show?100%0%Right!
indelibleThe years of close aocciation with outstanding teachers had left an _______ mark on the students characters.0%100%Wrong
nocturnalThe streets seemed safe and familiar during the day, but now we had to face unknown _________ dangers.100%0%Right!
tacitThrough we were angry with each other, we had a _____ agreement to act politely in front of our parents.0%100%Wrong
tangibleThere was no _________ evidence of his incerity, but somehow we were confident that he would do all he could help us.100%0%Right!
* the percentage of students who answered this correctly or incorrectly

You answered 95% of the questions correctly!

You answered 19 / 20 correctly on the first try.
Unit 12: Synonyms and Antonyms - Reverse Definitions - Completed: July 12, 12:58:42 PM CSTUser: SethGourley
WordDefinitionCorrect*Incorrect*Your Answer
abjurewillingly RECANTED their old beliefs (syn)100%0%Right!
acridan extremely CAUSTIC denunciation (syn)100%0%Right!
augustin the emperor's STATELY presence (syn)100%0%Right!
callousa reputation for being TENDERHEARTED (ant)50%50%Right!
clandestinethe SECRET world of intelligence agents (syn)100%0%Right!
compunctionlacking any sense of REMORSE (syn)50%50%Right!
conflagrationa WILDFIRE that destroyed thousands of acres (syn)100%0%Right!
elatedOVERJOYED by the day's events (syn)100%0%Right!
indeliblesaw the actor's MEMORABLE performance (syn)100%0%Right!
indulgentINFLEXIBLE in matters of discipline (ant)100%0%Right!
inveteratean OCCASIONAL reader of mysteries (ant)100%0%Right!
irrelevantevidence ruled IMMATERIAL to that case (syn)50%50%Right!
nocturnalthe city's DAYTIME noises (ant)100%0%Right!
platitudejust one BROMIDE after another (syn)50%50%Right!
quelltried to SUPPRESS their fears (syn)100%0%Right!
quiescentwhen nature is at its most DORMANT (syn)50%50%Wrong
ruminateREFLECTED on the consequences of their actions (syn)100%0%Right!
tacitignored the EXPLICIT warning (ant)100%0%Right!
tangiblePALPABLE signs of long neglect (syn)100%0%Right!
trenchantthe lawyer's INCISIVE summation to the jury (syn)100%0%Right!
