End Marks
12-1 Practice the Skill
1. What country is the United State's nearest neighbor?
2. Tell me about Canada.
3. Is Canada a good place to visit?
4. Absolutely! Parts of Canada are completely breathtaking.
2. Tell me about Canada.
3. Is Canada a good place to visit?
4. Absolutely! Parts of Canada are completely breathtaking.
5. Come to Toronto with me.
6. I thought that parts of Canada were cold, but thirty degrees below zero is unbelievable.
7. Canada has ten provinces.
8. Where is Alberta?
9. Canada has land profitable for farming, and Canadians mine gold, zinc, lead, silver, uranium, nickel, titanium, and copper.
10. Amazing! Canada has a wealth of natural resources.
12-2 Review the Skill
1. What is unique about Australia?
2. Australia is the only country that is also a continent.
3. A tourist can see some amazing things in Australia.
4. Wow! That camel race was great.
5. Why is the Great Barrier Reed such a popular Australian attraction?
6. Many divers come from around the world to explore its wonders.
7. No kidding it is an extensive chain of more than 2,500 reefs.
8. Do you know any of Australia's unusual animals?
9. Kangaroos, wombats, and emus are pretty unusual.
10. Have you ever heard of an echidna, a skink, or a bandicoot?
Other Uses of the Period
12-3 Practice the Skill
1. My outline for my report on Austria is as follows:
I. Government
II. Way of life
III. Economy
2. Helga's uncle is originally from Austria, and his address is P.O. Box 51142, DuBois, PA.
3. I interviewed Dr. Yostra at 2:00 P.M. on Feb 9.
4. The area of Austria is 32,376 sq. mi. or 83,853 km2.
5. Austria belongs to the EFTA (European Free Trade Association).
6. Austria has six main land regions:
1. the Granite Plateau
2. the Eastern Forelands
3. the Alpine Forelands
4. the Northern Limestone Alps
5. the Central Alps
6. the Southern Limestone Alps
7. In the lowlands and eastern sections, the temperatures range from 30.4F in January to 68.6F in July.
8. By 15 B.C. the Romans controlled Austria.
9. At the end of World War I, Austria signed an armistice on Nov. 3, 1918.
10. Thank you, Mrs. Fielding, for allowing me to present this report about Austria.
12-4 Review the Skill
1. The width of the Atlantic Ocean grows by about 1/2 in. (1.5 cm) each year.
2. My dad's friend J.R. Wilkinson visits the Atlantic Ocean several times a year.
3. In 1982, the UN adopted a law to limit ocean pollution.
4. You can get information about the Atlantic Ocean by writing to Stuart Troyka, Ph.D., 9 Constitution Ave., Washington, D.C. 20230.
5. There are three marginal seas on the western side of the Atlantics:
7. The Bay of Fundy in Canada has the highest tides, some reaching 50 ft. (15 m).
8. The Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway is 12,000 miles long with a depth of 12 feet (3.7 meters) or more.
9. A three-hour whale-watching cruise in New England might cost $24.99.
10. We are leaving at 9:00 A.M. for our vacation at the ocean.
3. In 1982, the UN adopted a law to limit ocean pollution.
4. You can get information about the Atlantic Ocean by writing to Stuart Troyka, Ph.D., 9 Constitution Ave., Washington, D.C. 20230.
5. There are three marginal seas on the western side of the Atlantics:
1. the Gulf of St. Lawrence
2. the Gulf of Mexico
3. the Carribbean Sea
6. NOAA is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.2. the Gulf of Mexico
3. the Carribbean Sea
7. The Bay of Fundy in Canada has the highest tides, some reaching 50 ft. (15 m).
8. The Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway is 12,000 miles long with a depth of 12 feet (3.7 meters) or more.
9. A three-hour whale-watching cruise in New England might cost $24.99.
10. We are leaving at 9:00 A.M. for our vacation at the ocean.
12-5 Practice the Skill
1. Venice is an unusual, interesting city.
2. Venice lies on about 120 islands and has canals instead of streets.
3. The people of Venice use boats instead of automobiles, buses, taxis, and trucks.
4. Venice is a popular tourist attraction.
5. The location of Venice gives the city its fame but also causes problems.
6. During a storm, waters can flood streets, cover walkways, and damage buildings.
7. The Grand Central is a large, important waterway.
8. Palaces stand on both sides of the Grand Canal, and the Rialto Bridge crosses the canal.
9. My family flew to Italy, visited Rome, and then went to Venice.
10. I rode a gondola but Mom walked.
12-6 Review
1. The Bahamas are a chain of about seven hundred islands, and together they form a nation.
2. The mild, beautiful climate of the Bahamas has drawn a number of tourists.
3. Most of the natives island people live on New Providence and Grand Bahama.
4. Andros, Bimini, and Cat Island are some of the more popular Bahamian Islands.
5. Marlin, sailfish, and tuna are just a few types of fish found odd the coast of Bimini.
6. A profitable, busy city on New Providence is Nassau.
7. Many large cruise ships dock at Nassau.
8. Uncle Finley and Aunt Nadine left their home on Tuesday, drove to Florida, and flew to the Bahamas.
9. On Thursday my aunt swam and my uncle fished.
10. Tourists can buy many colorful straw items from Bahamian coworkers.
Connecting Themes: Writing Link
✔️Revise your argumentative essay, paying close attention to comma usage. Insert link to revision here (link).
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