Structure: The Possibility of Evil

The Possibility of Evil
Shirley Jackson

BJU Press

About the Story

1. Why does Miss Strangeworth think of the town as belonging to her? 

her father built the first house.

2. In the first part of the story, how does Miss Strangeworth's life contrast with the lives of the townspeople? 

Her family has been there longer.

3. Once you learn about Miss Strangeworth's letters, what seems odd about her previous reactions to the troubles around her? 

it may not be nice enough of a letter or she wants it to be neatly written.

4. Given Miss Strangeworth's attitude toward Dave, what is ironic about his choice to personally deliver the letter? 

     To see linda stewarts.

5. Why do you think the person who attacks Miss Strangeworth decides to do so by destroying her roses? Were you surprised by this ending? Why or why not? 

harris boy and no i was not.

6. Do you think that Miss Strangeworth has learned anything by the end of the story? Why or why not? 

No she is to onry.

7. Identify the crisis and the climax of the story.

The pink letter.
