Point of View: The Age of Miracles & Thinking Zone

The Age of Miracles

Melville Davisson Post

BJU Press

About the Story

1. How does Abner's view of justice differ from Randolph's? 

Randolph is the one that takes the law more serious than Abner.

2. What specific, significant details does Abner notice that the other characters overlook? 

He notices the youth in the kids unlike the others.

3. At what point in the story does Post let you know the real reason that Wolf consents to sign the deed?

When he says a whim is sometimes a greater lever to move a man.

 4. From what point of view is the story told? 

first person point of view.

5. How does this point of view aid in building suspense?

You do not know what will happen next.

Thinking Zone: detective fiction, autobiographical essay

1. How does "The Age of Miracles" qualify as detective fiction?

Trying to find a way to get there land back.

2. Name an advantage to an author's using either limited-omniscient or first-person point of view for a detective story.

 First person builds suspense in the story.

3. Cite two reasons that "By Any Other Name" qualifies as an autobiographical essay.

The book is about the author Santha written by herself. Focused on her first day of school.

4. In "By Any Other Name," Rau combines her adult perspective on this past event with her initial impressions as a child. How do you think this variation on point of view aids in showing how the author's opinions of certain things were formed?

Shows how she left her past behind her and worried about the future.
